BBack Car Care

3853 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 - Get Directions
(215) 345-8620
Mon-Thurs: 8 AM - 5 PM
Fri: 7 AM - 3 PM
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      Bob’s Quick Tip: Tire Pressure

      Bob’s Quick Tip: Tire Pressure Around this time of year, especially on cold mornings, you’re likely to see that notorious light on your dashboard: The tire pressure light. The science behind it is simple: As it gets colder, the air molecules in the air get closer together, causing the volume in your tires to shrink

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      Estimates: Tips, Tricks and One Big Consideration

      Estimates: Tips, Tricks and One Big Consideration It is no surprise that owning and maintaining and car isn’t cheap. Cars can be pricey to maintain, from factory scheduled maintenance and tire replacements to fuel and car washes. And if something goes wrong with a car, the thought of going to a repair shop and getting

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      Huh? What is a Wheel Alignment and Their 4 Main Benefits

      Huh? What is a Wheel Alignment and Their 4 Main Benefits People know the term ‘wheel alignment’ and surely most people can figure out, in a general sense, what it is. Yet, most people don’t know what a wheel alignment actually is and why they are so important. There are many clues to understanding when


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