BBack Car Care

3853 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 - Get Directions
(215) 345-8620
Mon-Thurs: 8 AM - 5 PM
Fri: 7 AM - 3 PM
  • Our Favorite Fall Car Care Tips

    Fall is upon us. The golden leaves are drifting gently to the ground as the air is turning crisp. Among pumpkins and apples and the excitement of Halloween, it’s time to swap out our summer wardrobes and prepare our homes for the colder days ahead. As we adjust our routines for the new season, our cars also need attention. They’ve taken us through summer road trips, weekend getaways, and daily commutes, and now, they deserve a little care. In honor of Fall Car Care Month, we’ve put together some of our favorite tips to show appreciation for our four-wheeled companions and ensure your ride stays smooth, safe, and reliable throughout the chilly months ahead.

    Fall Car Care: Check the Tires

    Your tires are literally where the rubber meets the road. Taking cues from the only tire checklist you’ll ever need, here are a few things you can do to ensure they’re in top condition, especially when fallen leaves or early frost can cause slippery roads.

    • Tire pressure: As temperatures drop, so can your tire pressure. Regularly monitor and adjust to the PSI specified in your vehicle’s manual or the label inside the driver’s door.
    • Tread depth: A simple way to check your tread depth is the “penny test.” Insert a penny with Lincoln’s head facing down into the tread. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, it’s time for new tires.
    • Rotation, alignment, and balance: Ensuring proper steering performance boosts safety and prolongs tire lifespan, potentially saving you costs in the long haul. Be alert to signs like shaking, vehicle pulling to one side, or uneven tire wear, as these can indicate steering issues. For more, explore the 5 Signs Your Car’s Tires Need to be Rotated on our blog.
    • Tire wear and tear: Beyond the regular wear from driving, tires endure other types of damage. Look out for scrapes on the sidewall, perhaps from brushes with curbs, gouges from road debris, or any patched areas. Noticeable damage like protruding nails, blisters on the sidewall, and evident cracks suggest it might be time to replace them.
    • Spare tire: While the spare tire tends to stay out of sight and out of mind, it’s just as susceptible to deflation, aging, and wear as your primary tires. Think of it as checking the batteries in your flashlight before a storm – occasionally inspect your spare tire to ensure it’s ready for action when needed.

    Need some help with these tire tips? Visit our tire shop in Doylestown to ensure your tires are fall-ready.

    Give Your Brakes a Break

    Your braking system is essential for your safety. Overall, with fall ushering in damp conditions and roads littered with leaves, the potential for slippery surfaces increases, making it necessary to ensure your brakes are up to the task. Here’s what you should be on the lookout for to gauge if your brake pads or rotors need to be changed:

    • Squeaking or grinding noises
    • Pulling to one side
    • Shaking or vibrations in the steering wheel or brake pedal
    • An unresponsive or spongy-feeling brake pedal
    • Longer stopping distances than usual If you notice any of these warning signals, schedule a brake inspection at our local brake repair shop.

    Top off Your Fluids

    As seasons shift, ensure all your car’s fluids are maintained at optimal levels. Here’s your checklist:

    • Oil: Ensure you’re updated with your oil change schedule. If you’re due soon, consider completing it before the chilly season.
    • Coolant: This fluid is crucial in regulating your engine’s temperature. Verify that it’s topped off to the required level.
    • Windshield washer fluid: With increased rainfall and potential frost, you’ll likely use your wipers more often. Fill up that reservoir!

    Prepare for Emergencies

    The tranquility of fall drives is alluring, but the season is also a timely reminder to remain vigilant and prepared. Here are some essential tips:

    • Assemble an emergency kit: Pack essentials like jumper cables, a flashlight, blankets, non-perishable snacks, water, and first aid supplies. Check out the nine essentials for your winter car kit on our blog.
    • Check your battery: Cold weather can be brutal, slowing down the chemistry that allows batteries to create and maintain charges. This fall, ensure it’s in good health with a quick check-up, and replace it if it’s nearing the end of its lifespan.
    • Consider visibility aids: Fog and early darkness are expected in the fall. Keep a set of reflective triangles or flares in your vehicle. In case of an unexpected stop or breakdown, these tools can alert other drivers, ensuring your safety and theirs.

    Lights On!

    Moving forward, as days get shorter and nights grow longer, ensure all your lights function correctly. This includes headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals. If a bulb is out, have your local auto repair shop replace it. Consider also cleaning your headlights so they shine brightly on those foggy mornings.

    Fall Car Care: Discover Our Local Auto Repair Shop in Doylestown

    As a Bucks County favorite, our family-owned and operated car repair shop symbolizes trust and reliability. Our friendly, helpful, and professional team is skilled in a range of car services and the art of customer service, making us the gold standard for auto repair in Doylestown. So, let our seasoned local experts ensure your vehicle’s peak performance throughout every season. Reach out and book your service appointment with us today.

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