BBack Car Care

3853 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 - Get Directions
(215) 345-8620
Mon-Thurs: 8 AM - 5 PM
Fri: 7 AM - 3 PM
  • Maintaining your cabin air filter: keep it or replace it?

    The secret to an enjoyable driving experience.

    Road trips are the highlight of every family’s summer. We all have memories of getting in the car, hitting the road, and exploring a place we’ve never been before. One of the most important parts of this trip, often overlooked, is the journey to your destination.

    Having an enjoyable experience in the car is something that we tend to take for granted – especially when a car problem isn’t looking you directly in the face. When’s the last time you had your tire pressure checked? How often do you check your oil? It’s easy to ignore car problems or push them later down the road.

    One thing that’s often overlooked, but vital to your car ride, is the cabin air filter. It’s not a common part people are familiar with, but it makes a huge difference in the comfort of your car ride. What is a cabin air filter, how do you know if it needs to be cleaned/replaced, and how can you maintain your filter?

    What is a cabin air filter?

    You know that your engine has a filter, but did you know that your car’s HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system may also have one? It’s typically called a cabin air filter and keeps your cabin cool and smelling fresh.

    Unchecked air filters can lead to a musty smell in your car that no one wants to put up with. They can also lead to spotty air conditioning and unreliable air flow. It’s important to check your air filter every six months to ensure it’s in good shape.

    How do I know if my filter has gone bad?

    There are a few signs that your filter needs to be replaced:

    1. Reduced air flow when you turn on your fan.
    2. There’s more noise than usual when you turn on the air conditioner.
    3. Your car has a bad odor after running the HVAC.
    4. It’s been a year since you last replaced your air filter.

    Any of these signs may mean it’s time to replace your filter. Most repair shops replace this, including our shop. It makes a huge difference in the enjoyment of your car ride.

    Tips for keeping your cabin air filter clean:

    New car filters can run $50 or more depending on where you go to get it replaced. The much more efficient option is keeping your filter in good condition.

    There are three types of filters: cloth, carbon, and paper. For cloth and carbon filters, use a hose on low pressure, with direct water from clean side to dirty, sweeping it top to bottom. If you choose to try this option, make sure the filter is completely dry before re-installing.  Installing a damp air filter into a dark place that may become humid is a recipe for trouble. Sometimes, just carefully brushing off debris can help maintain your filter. Paper filters should always be replaced.

    If your filter is beyond being saved, give us a call at the shop to replace it for you.

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