BBack Car Care

3853 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 - Get Directions
(215) 345-8620
Mon-Thurs: 8 AM - 5 PM
Fri: 7 AM - 3 PM
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    5 New Year’s Driving Resolutions That Should Stick

    With the New Year comes the typical array of resolutions that folks are certain they will stick to: Healthier eating, a more active lifestyle, less spending, more sleep and so on. Of course, some resolutions are easier to stick to than others.

    There is a pretty easy New Year’s resolution that we believe can help your sanity, health and wallet: Better car care.

    In this blog, we list the 5 steps you can take this year to care for your vehicle and ‘Love Your Car Again.’

    Get Your Oil Changed

    Oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle. Getting your oil changes on schedule greatly extends the life and performance of your vehicle. Conversely, not getting your oil changed can cause irreparable damage to your internal engine systems and cost you a lot more money down the stretch.

    Care for your Tires

    The importance of your tires cannot be stressed enough. A car is only as good as the tires it rolls down the road on. Steering, braking, grip and overall performance are directly tied to the condition of your tires. If you are unsure if your tires need to be replaced, bring them in for a complimentary inspection. If you are putting off replacing tires that are in dire shape, reconsider in the New Year.

    Routine Maintenance

    Factory scheduled maintenance greatly improves the life expectancy and performance of your vehicle. Your owner’s manual details exactly what services should be performed and when. Keeping to a maintenance schedule also preserves any warranty your car may have. While certain maintenance milestones may be expensive and inconvenient, so is having to buy a car prematurely or being stuck on the side of the road waiting for a tow.

    Check for Warning Signs

    Sensors throughout your car tell you when your car needs to be looked at. Your dashboard has many lights that can help clue you in on what it might be. Pay close attention to these warning lights, particularly the check engine light.

    You can also be alert for issues using sight and sound. Puddles on the ground, squealing, knocking, and grinding can indicate an issue.

    Drive safely

    This is the ‘biggie.’ Safe driving helps with all the above listed issues by reducing wear and tear and avoiding damage to your car. Best of all, it keeps you, your passengers, and the folks using the roads around you safe. Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination, follow the rules of the road and be alert at all times. And, please, put the phone down.

    Help ‘future you’ by caring for your car today as a New Year resolution!

    BBack Car Care will be happy to help you stay safer on the road and to help you ‘Love Your Car Again.’ We will help keep you on schedule with maintenance and inspect your vehicle for any immediate concerns.

    If you’re ready to bring your car in, request an appointment online today or give our service desk a call today.

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