BBack Car Care

3853 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 - Get Directions
(215) 345-8620
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    Summer 2020: Time to Hit the Road

    Summer 2020: Time to Hit the Road!

    According to a recent Forbes article, “Road trips will be back in a big way this summer, with 62% of consumers planning to travel by car for summer vacation.”  The urge to get out of the house in summer 2020 for a change of scenery coupled with low gas prices and lighter road congestion overall, driving has never been more attractive.  So, this month, we’ve put together some tips on ways to prepare for any upcoming trip you are planning.

    First, prepare your vehicle.

    Ensure you reach your destination safely and comfortably by making sure your car is ready for the long trip.  Before you leave, take your car out for a drive, especially if it’s been sitting for long periods of time.  See if anything seems “off”.  Check fluids, tire condition, tire pressure, lights, battery strength and windshield wipers.  As temperatures continue to climb, turn on your air conditioner if you have not done so already to ensure your system is working without an issue.  Also, don’t forget to check your spare tire if your car comes equipped with one! Finally, make sure the tools to change the spare are all there.  No one wants to be stuck unexpectedly wasting precious vacation time waiting on car repairs.

    Next, plan your route.

    Many states are handling the coronavirus pandemic differently.  What was the case in your home state may be different in any of the states you are traveling to or through.  This is a reality we may not want to worry about, however if you have trouble with your vehicle, it is important to know what to expect.  Certain amenities may not be open such as rest stops, hotels, state parks, etc.  Certain areas may have stay at home orders with only essential services being available.  Carefully research the situation for each state you plan to be in and be prepared for any changes between now and your arrival.  The CDC website offers a good starting point.

    Finally, plan for “just in case.”

    At this point, most people are familiar with the possible need for masks and hand sanitizer.  Make sure these items are with you on your road trip.  Begin your trip with a clean car inside and out.  Gas up before you go and don’t wait too long before you need a refill.  Pack towels or paper towels for convenience or in case you need to clean the windows.  Bring a spare key and keep it in your wallet or on your person in case you lock the keys in the car.  Make sure you have a car survival kit including a flashlight, first aid kit, flares or safety triangles in case you need to stop on the roadside.  Make sure your vehicle registration and insurance cards are in the car and are current.  Pack some snacks and drinks for the journey.  Don’t forget your phone charger and your awesome playlist filled with your best jams!

    Drive carefully, be aware of your surroundings and take breaks and rests when needed.  If you are planning a road trip in summer 2020, give BBack Car Care a call.  We can perform a “trip check” and let you know if your car is good to drive.  If there are any issues, we’ll explain your options and get you ready for the open road.

    Ready to get started?  Request an appointment online or give our service desk a call today.

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