BBack Car Care

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    Are You Getting the Best Gas Mileage Out of Your Car?

    Are You Getting the Best Gas Mileage Out of Your Car?

    Gas ranks amongst the highest costs associated with car ownership. You can’t get anywhere without it and if you drive your car a lot, the costs can really add up.

    For this reason, many folks consider miles per gallon (MPG) to be one of the most important considerations when choosing a car. Even if your lifestyle or career won’t allow you to get a small car or fuel efficient hybrid, most people want to make sure they get the best gas mileage possible out of their car. What people tend to forget is that even the most fuel-efficient cars can lose their great gas mileage if they fail to properly maintain them.

    Here are some of the culprits responsible for robbing cars from their gas mileage.

    Fuel Injectors

    Fuel injectors are what squirt fuel into your engines and they can leak or get dirty from gas sediment. When this happens, less fuel is getting to the engine, causing decreased performance. You can get your injectors cleaned or replaced by a mechanic, or you can try fuel additives to maintain your injectors. Speak with a mechanic for recommendations on service and/or products.

    Motor Oil

    Motor oil is all about reducing friction in your engine as it turns and powers your vehicle; No engine works without it. Your engine is at the mercy of the type of oil that you put in it and how often you replace it. Dirty and/or low quality oil is going to allow more friction to bog down your engine’s efficiency and your gas mileage will suffer. Always ask your mechanic or oil change provider what type of oil they use on your car. Most use cheap, bargain basement conventional oil, especially if they are offering a $20.00 oil change. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. In this case, any savings you get out of a $20.00 oil change is being lost at the gas pump.

    Spark Plugs

    Spark plugs ignite the fuel as it enters your engine, causing the combustion that turns your engine. Spark plugs wear out over time or can misfire, causing a decrease in performance and gas mileage. Nearly all cars call for spark plugs to be replaced in their maintenance schedule, typically around the 100k mark. Check your owners’ manual and plan for this service.

    Oxygen sensors/Air filters

    Oxygen is required for nearly any type of combustion. Simple proof of this exists when you put a lid on a candle. After a few seconds, the flame snuffs out. With this in mind, your engine needs the right amount of air to operate as efficiently as possible. The first line of defense is your air filter, which removes dirt, dust and other debris before it reaches the engine. Filters that are excessively dirty restrict airflow and effectively chokes your engine.  This impacts gas mileage.

    The second line of defense is your oxygen sensor, which regulates the amount of oxygen that enters the engine. These can fail periodically and decrease fuel efficiency by as much as 20%. If you get this light on your dash, it’s important to have it checked out.


    Tires that are under-inflated create more friction and drag on the road. Your car has to work harder to work up and maintain speed. Even a couple PSI points is enough to put a dent in your gas mileage.

    Driving Habits

    Making your car work harder than it needs to is a great way to waste gas. Excessive acceleration and high speeds puts more demand on your engine and therefore your gas tank. Idling is another culprit, especially in the winter. As handy as automatic car starters are, it’s easy to leave your car idling for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. It’s a bad habit that is costing you at the pump.

    Just because you paid more for a hybrid car doesn’t mean that you are getting the expected value out of it. Don’t feel bad about it – it can actually be hard to gauge just how much value you are losing. Most of the issues stated above happen incrementally over time. A good mechanic can help keep you on track and ensure that your car is running at peak performance.

    If you suspect that you are losing money at the pump, give BBack Car Care a call. Our car care experts will look over your car and see where you might be able to improve your gas mileage. ‘Love your car again’ and give us a call today. Or, request an appointment online.

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