- February 27, 2018
- By Bobbie Hicks
- In Belts, Brakes, Diagnostics, Engine, Filters, Oils, Steering, Suspension, Tires, Transmission
- Tags auto, bback car care, car, car care, car dealer, car dealership, factory scheduled maintenance, maintenance
- 3884
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Owning a car is a huge expense for a person or family. From the cost of the car itself to fuel, insurance and maintenance, it can really add up. Any savvy consumer will understand that doing some homework and understanding the needs of the car will go a long way in ensuring that the cost of ownership isn’t any more than it needs to be. A savvy consumer will also know that spending money on factory scheduled maintenance means saving money on serious and easily avoidable repairs down the line.
The owner’s manual of your car offers the recommended repair schedule for your car and for newer cars a factory scheduled maintenance schedule should be followed closely to keep warranties valid. The maintenance required and when varies by car so what works for one vehicle doesn’t work for others.
Many dealerships will suggest or give the impression that factory scheduled maintenance must be performed at the dealership in order to maintain a warranty. Furthermore, many dealerships offer incentives to their service reps to up-sell additional repairs and services through ‘packages’ and ‘promotions.’
Telling a consumer that factory scheduled maintenance must be performed at a dealership in order to keep a warranty valid is illegal. According the the FTC:
“…it’s illegal for a dealer to deny your warranty coverage simply because you had routine maintenance or repairs performed by someone else. Routine maintenance often includes oil changes, tire rotations, belt replacement, fluid checks and flushes, new brake pads, and inspections. Maintenance schedules vary by vehicle make, model and year; the best source of information about routine scheduled maintenance is your owner’s manual.”
Source: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0138-auto-warranties-routine-maintenance
With this in mind, it’s best that a car owner does their own research, study and reference their owner’s manual and make informed decisions that best suites their own car. Let’s face it: No one is going to look out for your wallet better than yourself. If a consumer chooses to be ignorant or oblivious about their car and what’s needed, or would like to blindly allow their dealer to dictate how their car is being serviced, there are plenty of opportunities to spend more money than necessary to keep your car running.
You can also find a reputable mechanic who can keep your car on a proper factory scheduled maintenance schedule and work with you to ensure that your car is receiving the correct maintenance based on your exact needs, driving habits and budget. And, they will keep your car under warranty!
BBack Car Care offers factory scheduled maintenance service and will work with you to ensure that your exact needs are met, and no more. By receiving the appropriate care, you protect both your investment and your wallet and gain peace of mind knowing that your car will continue to offer safe, reliable service.
Tired of the expense and pressure of a dealership? Give BBack Car Care a try and experience the difference. Schedule an appointment online today or give us a call to get started.