BBack Car Care

3853 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 - Get Directions
(215) 345-8620
Mon-Thurs: 8 AM - 5 PM
Fri: 7 AM - 3 PM
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    New Car Care Tips

    New Car Care Tips

    There are few better joys in life then getting a new car. Everything is shiny, clean and let’s not forget about that new car smell!

    Congratulations to you and your new wheels. Now, it’s time to care for it and make sure you get as much value and enjoyment as you can with as little issues as possible between now and the next time you need to drive a new car off the lot. Sorry new car smell, you’ll have to wait.

    The first and biggest new car care tip we can give you is this: You do not need to take your car back to the dealer for servicing no matter how much they make it sound like you do. Contrary to belief, you will not void the warrantee by going elsewhere, and it’s actually illegal for dealers to suggest that you will.

    That being said, you should read your new car manual carefully and make note of any considerations to discuss with your mechanic to ensure that you keep your warranty and maintain your car’s performance. While most mechanics are very knowledgeable and do their best to keep up with every car and every model, it’s ultimately your job to voice any specific needs for your car. A good mechanic will be happy to discuss any specifics with you.


    Car’s always look their best when they first roll off the lot. Over time, however, the paint will start to fade, get those stingy bug splats on the grill and get the occasional ding from rocks or anything else. You should take your car to the car wash often and wax your car to protect the paint. This is especially important during the winter months with corrosion causing salt is everywhere.


    Get regular oil changes and get the recommended oil stated in your manual. It may seem like an annoying chore but keeping good oil in your engine is one of the single most important things you can do to extend your car’s life. Make sure your other fluids are topped off and that your car is cooling properly. Clean your car’s radiator from time to time and check your air filter as well.

    All of these steps are designed to keep your car cool, help with your car’s performance, and add to its life potential.


    Always try and keep your car as clean as possible. From upholstery to the floors, you always want to prevent damage from staining. Make sure your air conditioner is performing as well as your heating system. Always keep your windshields clean and free from clutter.

    By paying attention to the appearance and creature comforts of your vehicle, you will always look forward to getting into your ride and enjoying it.

    The team at BBack Car Care is dedicated to ensuring that you get many years of reliable service out of your new vehicle. With a proper service plan and high quality service, you can help protect your investment and get the reliability you and your family count on every day.

    Ready to make an appointment? Click here to get started of call us today.

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