BBack Car Care

3853 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 - Get Directions
(215) 345-8620
Mon-Thurs: 8 AM - 5 PM
Fri: 7 AM - 3 PM
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    Road Trip Tips to Keep You Safe This Summer

    It’s that time of year. The bags are packed and hopefully you can still fit into last summer’s swimsuit.

    You and your family have been looking forward to this vacation for weeks and it’s finally time to hit the road. We’ve decided to put together some crucial car care tips to follow before and during your trip to ensure that everyone gets to their destination safe and happy.

    Before the Trip

    Check Things Out

    There are several things you can do yourself to make sure you are ready for a long trip. Check your tire pressure to ensure that you are at the correct levels for better handling and fuel efficiency. You can also check your spare tire (when was the last time you did that?) They can lose pressure too and you don’t want to be caught with an ineffective spare on the side of the road. Make sure you have all of your safety tools and roadside assistance gear, such as flares, reflective markers, jumper cables and car jack equipment. Top off your windshield wiper fluid and check your lights to make sure they are all working properly.

    Have Things Checked Out

    Have your local mechanic check your car out. Brakes, tires, belts, fluids and air conditioning systems are all quick things that can be done by your mechanic at a low cost. Nothing is more demoralizing than a breakdown on the side of the road on your way to your destination. You’re stuck with an unfamiliar mechanic in an unfamiliar town and potentially losing hours (and perhaps days) waiting for repairs.

    Check out the Vacation Special going on this summer at BBack Car Care:


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    During the Trip

    Pay Attention

    It is easy to zone out or get caught up in sing-a-longs. Always keep an eye on your dashboard. Your gauges and warning lights are your friend; If a warning light does goes on, make sure you know what they mean and how it might affect your trip.

    Keep an eye out for debris, potholes and anything else that might cause a flat tire or more significant damage to your car. It might sound obvious, but again, long trips mean plenty of opportunities to lose your focus.

    Save on Gas

    Cruise control is a great way to save a few bucks while out on the road. You can also watch your speed by staying at or close to 60 miles per hour, the speed at which most cars are optimized for fuel efficiency. If you are going over 50 miles per hour, consider driving with your windows up to streamline your vehicle and prevent drag.

    Don’t Push Yourself

    I’m sure after hours of the previously mentioned sing-a-longs and being cooped up on your car, getting to your destination ASAP is all you’re thinking about. Yet if you are on the road for long periods of time, consider stopping or making sure you plan breaks between destinations. The truth is that pushing yourself is dangerous, especially at night. Do not drive more than 12 hours per day and plan in plenty of time to get where you are going so that you can enjoy the drive and prevent stress.

    If You’re Towing!

    If you’re towing during your trip, all of these car care tips apply, but also make sure you are well versed on how your car handles the added weight and brake systems. Check all hitch and electrical connections each time you stop to be on the safe side.

    Be sure to have everything checked out and plan properly for issues such as parking, weight restrictions on any roads you will be driving on and any other considerations such as tolls and available rest areas.

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