BBack Car Care

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    Huh? What is a Wheel Alignment and Their 4 Main Benefits

    Huh? What is a Wheel Alignment and Their 4 Main Benefits

    Computerized Alignment DoylestownPeople know the term ‘wheel alignment’ and surely most people can figure out, in a general sense, what it is. Yet, most people don’t know what a wheel alignment actually is and why they are so important.

    There are many clues to understanding when your wheels are out of alignment. The most obvious one is when you have to keep your steering wheel slightly (or more than slightly) turned in order to go straight down the road. You can also feel wobbling in the steering wheel as you drive the car. Other, less obvious signs include uneven or spotty wear on your tires or reduced fuel economy.

    These are all important signs to pay attention to as the implications or driving without proper alignment can put a pretty serious dent in your wallet.

    So What is a Wheel Alignment?

    Simply put, a wheel alignment is the act of correcting the direction and overall position of the wheels so that they are all pointing in the same direction and resting flat on the ground. The car is put on a lift and sensors are placed on the rims of the wheels. The car is then slowly rolled forward on the lift, followed by a couple turns of the steering wheel. The rolling and turning motions are scanned by the digital alignment system and the results are collected and printed out for both the technician and customer. Once the issues are identified on the readout, your technician can make the necessary adjustments to get all your wheels in alignment. A second digital scan is performed to confirm that all the changes were made.

    Why are Wheel Alignments So Important?

    Reduced Tire Wear

    Wheels that are out of alignment causes the tires to wear unevenly. Looking at the graph above, you can see that camber issues, as an example, causes the tires to wear to one side of the tread. If left uncorrected, your tires will need to be replaced in half the time.

    Improved Handling

    A car with wheels in proper alignment is safer and easier to drive. If your wheel pulls to one side and shakes, it is not only annoying but can affect your reaction time should you need to maneuver around hazards. Uneven tread wear also means compromised handling and tire performance. The treads can not handle rain or short stopping nearly as well since it is relying on only a part of the tire tread.

    Better Gas Mileage

    Friction is your cars worse enemy. The more friction created while a car is in motion, the harder your engine (and its parts) need to work to keep your car rolling. Looking at the graph again, if your tires have toe in/out issues, you can see how easily it is to lose a lot of efficiency to tires that are not in proper alignment. Better fuel efficiency can mean hundreds of dollars saved at the pump over time.

    Safer Driving

    Most of this has already been covered in our previous points, such as tire performance issues, reaction time, etc. It is also important to cover other areas where safety can be improved.

    Wheels that are out of alignment causes excess stress on suspension parts, such as shocks and struts. Your car is designed to take impact straight and when you hit bumps in the road, your car’s suspension is working overtime. Suspension issues can be identified during and a wheel alignment to check on worn or compromised parts. It is important to ask your mechanic if a suspension check is included with this service.

    The experts are BBack Car Care have the very best in digital alignment technology and the skills to get you back on the road safe and sound. Their digital readouts are accurate and fast, so you don’t need to spend all day at the shop.

    Talk to a service writer today about coming in for a digital alignment check or to add a comprehensive wheel alignment and suspension check to your next visit with our team.

    Scheduling an appointment at BBack Car Care has never been easier. Click here to request your appointment and we’ll call you to confirm your appointment.

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